BCWC Clean Water Challenge Golf Tournament Registration
4th Annual Clean Water Challenge Golf Tournament
Join Barnstable Clean Water Coalition friends and supporters for a day of golf at the 4th Annual Clean Water Challenge Golf Tournament at the
Hyannisport Club overlooking Nantucket Sound.
Monday, October 21st, 12 PM shotgun start
Registration includes a day of golf, cart, lunch, and cocktail reception.
Proceeds raised will support BCWC's mission to restore and preserve clean water in Barnstable.
If you are unable to attend our 4th Annual Clean Water Challenge Golf Tournament, but would like to donate, please click here.
For information on Sponsorship Opportunities, please click here.
Ticket Options
► Golfer - $625
► Foursome - $2,500
Sponsorship Levels
► Double Diamond - $10,000
Two Foursomes
Prominent logo placement on event poster, BCWC website and social media acknowledgement, two tee signs with logo
► Platinum - $5,000
One Foursome
Prominent logo placement on event poster, BCWC website and social media acknowledgement, one tee sign with logo
► Gold - $2,500
Golf for Two
Logo on event poster, BCWC website and social media acknowledgement, one tee sign with logo
► Silver - $1,000
Golf for One
Logo on event poster, BCWC website and social media acknowledgement
Enter the quantity of the package you want to purchase
(Ex. If you have One foursome, enter 1 in the Quantity for Foursome; If you have two individual golfers, enter 2 in the Quantity for Golfer)
If you have any questions or need to update your registration contact BCWC